AFTERPARTY READYMADE I. - VI.: objects - readymades, pedestals, sound 2015
‘Afterparty readymade’ objects are part of three years of research that was elaborated as a part of the dissertation, in which the author dealt with diaries and their relationship to contemporary art. At the same time, the author was also preparing an exhibition that coped with the moments when a person goes into society to briefly forget about everyday problems. The objects came into existence randomly after parties in the author's apartment. In the morning, they were documented and eventually exhibited in a gallery space. The objects are displayed either on pedestals, as classical sculptures used to be, or they mimic the way they had been found in the morning after the party. Thus, these readymades are witnesses to people having fun. They are scenes that give finishing touches to the atmosphere of parties that become artworks only in a gallery environment.
AFTERPARTY READYMADE 1. - 6. : objekty - readymade, zvuk, podstavce, 2015
Objekty afterparty readymade sú súčasťou trojročného výskumu v rámci dizertačnej práce v ktorej sa autor zaoberal denníkmi a ich vzťahom k súčasnému umeniu, a zároveň pripravoval výstavu v ktorej sa zaoberal chvíľami keď sa vyberáme do spoločnosti, aby sme na chvíľu zabudli na každodenné problémy. Objekty vznikli náhodne počas žúrov v autorovom byte. Ráno boli zdokumentované a postupne sú zverejňované v galerijnom priestore. Vystavené sú buď na podstavcoch tak, ako sa kedysi vystavovali klasické sochy, alebo napodobňujú spôsob, ako boli ráno po párty nájdené. Tieto readymades sú tak svedkami zábavy ľudí, kulisy, dotvárajúce atmosféru žúrov a umeleckým dielom sa stávajú až v prostredí galérie.