CLUB GALLERY: event at Club DOLE, 2015

   The author used the premises of one of the most popular nightclubs in Bratislava. However, he didn’t open the club during a weekend night, but instead around the same time as galleries are usually open - in the working week during the day. The club was working as normal during full operation. DJs took turns behind the turntables and drinks could be bought at the bar. However, only one visitor at a time could enter, while he received an armband from the author at the entrance. Thus, the club’s space for a while became a displayed piece of work. Undisturbed and all by themselves, visitors could absorb the atmosphere of the space where - in the figurative sense - most of the works for the exhibition ‘TRYING TO FORGET’ came into existence.  With the simple alteration of the normal situation, the place where people go for entertainment became a place where a visitor could even feel uncomfortable.

   The creation of environments designed for one visitor only is frequent in Barényi’s artistic work (Works like DUSK, IN SPACE BETWEEN MY ROOM AND THE REST OF APPARTMENT ... OR HAPPENING at Pohoda festival in 2015). Similarly, he often deals with creating environments that trigger various feelings of discomfort to visitors.
   The event was part of the exhibition ‘TRYING TO FORGET’ and took place for one day during the duration of the exhibition.

CLUB GALLERY: event v Klube DOLE, 2015

   Autor využil priestory jedného z najobľúbenejších Bratislavských nočných klubov. Neotvoril ho počas víkendu a v noci, ale v rovnakom čase v akom bývajú otvorené galérie, teda počas týždňa a cez deň. Klub pri tom fungoval rovnako ako funguje za plnej prevádzky. Za pultom sa striedali DJovia, a za barom sa dal kúpiť drink. Do vnútra ale mohol vojsť vždy len jeden návštevník, ktorý pri vstupe dostal od autora pásku na ruku. Priestor klubu sa na chvíľu stal vystaveným dielom. Návštevníci mohli nerušene a osamote absorbovať atmosféru priestoru v ktorom v prenesenom význame väčšina diel z výstavy Trying to forget vznikala. Jednoduchým pozmenením bežnej situácie sa z miesta, kam ľudia chodia za zábavou, stalo miesto kde sa návštevník mohol cítiť nepríjemne.

   Vytváranie prostredí určených pre jedného návštevníka je v Barényiho tvorbe časté, ( napríklad práce DUSK, V PRIESTORE MEDZI MOJOU IZBOU..., alebo happening na festivale POHODA 2015) Rovnako často narába aj s vytváraním prostredí ktoré v návštevníkoch vyvolávajú rôzne nepríjemné pocity.
   Event bol súčasťou výstavy Trying to forget a prebiehal jeden deň počas jej trvania.